Month: February 2016


” When things go wrong don’t go with them”.- Elvis Presley

I think this means that we should never let our problems bring us down. so the problems we have can be defeted if you ask for help from your friends.


I think this means that people who are crazy are awesome. It is true. Most crazy people are the samrtest people. It doesn’t matter what people say to you, be unique. Be yourself.


” The best thing to hold on to in life is eachother.” Audrey Hepburn

I think this means that even though life is full of bumps we could hold onto eachother so we won’t fall. When we are about to fall we can fall in the arms of our friends and they can pick us up.


” Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away”. – Elvis Presley

I think this means that you can’t shut out the truth or tell a lie because it will come back and bother you.


”I believe happy girls are the pretiest girls” Audrey Hetburn

I think this means that when girls are mean and sad they are never happy they are problaly pretty on the outside but really they are ugly in the inside. But when girls are really happy they are beautiful in the inside and on the outside.


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